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作者:庄明  时间:2020-02-11 12:01:44

Uncle Tom's Cabin is a famous book written by Mrs Harriet Beecher stowe,it tells a so emotional story that I can’t never forget it.

Uncle Tom is a black slave who believe in Christianity.He has a heart of great kindness.No matter how hard his owners treat him,he will never be against them and try his best to work and hlep to reduce their mental pressure with the Holy Bible,

Tom has been slod three times.His first owner--farmer Arthur Shelby,who was faced with the plight of the loss of their land due to debt. Although Shelby and his wife treated their slaves kindly,he had to sold some of them for life.By the way,Tom was important in Shelby’s family so he had his won a cabin outside.Then Tom was sold and was transportted by a riverboat.

On the boat,Tom met a white girl called Eva and took care of her.What’s more,when Eva flow down to the river,Tom saved her.For thanking Tom,Eva’s father--Augustine St. Clare,bought him.Two years later,Eva passed away because of disease.Then St.Clare promised to give Tom freedom.However,he died before he set Tom free.

St.Clare’s wife slod Tom to Simon Legree--a ferocious famer.Because Tom protected other slaves for lashing,Legree was furious and lashed Tom hard to destroy his belief of Jesus.But Tom kept reading the Bible and shared it to other slaves.Tom helped a poor woman slave run away and refused to tell Legree where she went.Legree odered his overseers to kill Tom.George Shelby--Arthur Shelby’s son,has come to buy Tom back,but it is too late that Tom had been beat up to death.

At last,sad George came home and set his salves free,and tlod them to remember Tom’s firm belief and sacrifice.

The last caritas of Tom made my tears out--before Tom lost his last breath,he fogave the overseers who killed him then.The most great love must be that--fogive everyone who hurts you deeply,an thank to Tom,I learn how to be a kind man.

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