


年轻的吉姆·霍金斯躺在床上,梦见宝藏和海上历险。过几天这一切都将成为现实。他将要和他的朋友,乡绅屈利劳尼、大夫李甫西乘伊斯帕尼奥拉号帆船离开英格兰到南方的金银岛去寻宝。 岛上的宝藏过去属于一个叫弗林特的海盗,他把那些宝藏埋藏在岛上一个秘密的地方。弗林特船长现在已经死了,但曾和他一起出海的海盗还活着,他们也想找到弗林特的宝藏。他们不知道金子在哪儿,但她们会不择手段地去找。他们这伙人中有老瞎子皮尤,一个叫黑狗的人,还有一个一条腿的海员……他们是那些海盗中最危险的一伙。


1 The Old Sea-dog at the "Admiral Benbow" >2 Black Dog Appears and Disappears >3 The Black Spot >4 The Sea-chest >5 The Last of the Blind Man >6 The Captain's Papers >7 I Go to Bristol >8 At the Sign of the Spy-glass >9 Powder and Arms >10 The Voyage >11 What I Heard in the Apple Barrel >12 Council of War >13 How My Shore Adventure Began >14 The First Blow >15 The Man of the Island >16 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: How the Ship Was Aband >17 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: The Jolly-boat's Last >18 Narrative Continued by the Doctor: End of the First Day's >19 Narrative Resumed by Jim Hawkins: The Garrison in the Sto >20 Silver's Embassy >21 The Attack >22 How My Sea Adventure Began >23 The Ebb-tide Runs >24 The Cruise of the Coracle >I Strike the Jolly Roger >26 Israel Hands >27 "Pieces of Eight" >28 In the Enemy's Camp >29 The Black Spot Again >30 On Parole >31 The Treasure-hunt—Flint's Pointer >32 The Treasure-hunt—The Voice Among the Trees >33 The Fall of a Chieftain >34 And Last >

