


《哈尔的移动城堡》改编自英国科幻小说家Diana Wynne Jones的同名小说,讲述的是传说中臭名昭著的魔法师哈尔帮助中了魔咒而变成90岁老太太的少女苏菲的故事,该片以欧洲一个虚构的国家为故事背景,人民处于战火纷飞中,主人公哈尔在救护女主角。本作已被日本改编成剧场版动画上映,取得巨大的成功……


1: in which Sophie talks to hats >2:in which Sophie is compelled to seek her fortune. >3: in which Sophie enters into a castle and a bargain >4: in which Sophie discovers several strange things >5:Which is far too full of washing >6: In which Howl expresses his feelings with green slime >7: In which a scarecrow prevents Sophie from leaving the cas >8: In which Sophie leaves the castle in several directions a >9: In which Michael has trouble with a spell >10: In which Calcifer promises Sophie a hint >11: In which Howl goes to a strange country in search of a s >12: In which Sophie becomes Howl’s old mother >13: In which Sophie blackens Howl’s name >14: In which a Royal Wizard catches a cold >15: In which Howl goes to a funeral in disguise >16: In which there is a great deal of witchcraft >17: In which the moving castle moves house >18: In which the scarecrow and Miss Angorian reappear >19: In which Sophie expresses her feelings with weed-killer >20: In which Sophie finds further difficulties in leaving th >21: In which a contract is concluded before witnesses >

