"NOW I shall tell a story,"said the Wind, "No,excuse me,"said the Rain,"now it is myturn!You have stood long enough at the street corner andhowled all that you could howl!"
"Is that your thanks,"said the Wind,"for my having,in your honour,turned many an umbrella outside in;yes,even broken them,when people would have nothing to dowith you!"
"I am going to tell one,"said the Sunshine,"bequiet;"and it was said with dignity and majesty,so thatthe Wind laid itself down all its length,but the Rain driz- zled in the Wind,and said,"Must we stand this!She al-ways breaks through,this Madam Sunshine.We shall notlisten to her!it is not worth the trouble to listen!"
And the Sunshine said:
"There flew a swan over the rolling sea:every featheron it shone like gold;one feather fell down on the big mer-chant ship which glided past under full sail.The featherfell on the curly hair of the young man who had charge ofthe cargo,the Super-cargo'they called him.The featherof the bird of Fortune touched his forehead,and became apen in his hand,and he soon became a rich merchant,whocould easily buy himself spurs of gold,and change goldplate into a nobleman's shield.I have shone upon it,"said the Sunshine.
"The swan flew away over the green meadow,wherethe little shepherd,a boy of seven years old,had laid him-self to rest under the shadow of the single old tree there.And the swan in its flight kissed a leaf of the tree;it fellinto the boy's hand,and the one leaf became three,thenten,then a whole book,and he read in it about the won-ders of nature,about his mother-tongue,and about faithand knowledge.At bedtime he laid the book under hishead,so that he should not forget what he had read,andthe book took him to the school bench and the desk oflearning.I have read his name among those of thelearned!"said the Sunshine.
"The swan flew into the loneliness of the forest,rested there on the still,dark lakes,where the water-lilies and the wild apples grow,where the cuckoo and thewood-pigeon have their homes. "A poor woman gathered fallen branches for fire-wood,and carried them on her back;she bore her childin her arms,and was on her way home.She saw thegolden swan,the swan of Fortune,fly up from the rush-grown bank.What shone there?A golden egg;she laid itin her bosom,and the warmth remained;there was cer-tainly life in the egg.Yes,there was a tapping inside theshell;she noticed it,and thought it was the beating ofher own heart.
"At home in her poor room she took out the goldenegg.'Tick,tick,'it said,as if it were a valuable goldwatch,but it was an egg with living life.The egg burst,and a little cygnet,feathered like pure gold,stuck itshead out;it had four rings round its neck,and as thepoor woman had just four boys,three at home,and thefourth which she had carried with her in the forest,sheunderstood at once that here was a ring for each of thechildren;and just as she understood it,the little goldenbird flew away.
"She kissed each ring,and let each of the childrenkiss one of the rings,laid it on the child's heart,andplaced it on the child's finger.
"I saw it!"said the Sunshine,"I saw what followedthis!"
"The one boy seated himself in the clay pit,took alump of clay in his hand,turned it with the fingers,andit became a figure of Jason,who fetched the goldenfleece.
"The second boy ran out at once into the meadowwhere the flowers stood with all the colours one couldthink of:he plucked a handful,clutched them so firmlythat the sap sprang into his eyes and wetted the ring;there came life and movement into his thoughts and intohis hand,and after a year and a day,the great towntalked of the great painter.
"The third of the boys held the ring so fast in hismouth that it gave out a sound,an echo from the bottom ofhis heart.Thoughts and feelings lifted themselves inmelody,lifted themselves like singing swans,dived likeswans down into the deep sea,the deep sea of thought.Hebecame the great master of melody.Every country may nowthink'He belongs to me!' "The fourth little one;ah,he was the outcast.Theysaid he'had the pip',and ought to have pepper and but-ter,like the sick chickens!'Pepper and bootter, 'was howthey said it,and he got that;but from me he got a sun-shine kiss,"said the Sunshine,"he got ten kisses for one.He had a poet's nature and got both knocks and kisses;but he had the ring of Fortune from Fortune's golden swan.His thoughts flew out like a golden butterfly,the symbol ofimmortality"
"That was a long story!"said the Wind.
"And tiresome!"said the Rain;"blow on meso thatI may come to myself again." And the Wind blew,and the Sunshine went on:
——"The swan of Fortune flew away over the deep bay,where the fishers had spread their nets.The poorest ofthem had thought of getting married,and so he got mar-ried.
"The swan brought a piece of amber to him;amberattracts to itself,it drew hearts to the house.Amber is theloveliest incense.There came a fragrance as fro m thechurch;there came a fragrance from God's nature.Theyfelt truly the happiness of home,content with their lowlycondition,and so their life became a real sunshine Story.
"Shall we stop now?"said the Wind."Sunshine hastalked long enough now.I am tired of it!"
"I also,"said the Rain.
What do we others,who have heard the stories,say?
We say…now they are finished.
“一个穷苦的女人在捡柴火,在捡落下的树枝。她把这些东西背在背上,把她的孩子抱在怀里,向家里走来。她看到这只金色的天鹅——幸运的天鹅——从长满了灯芯草的岸上飞起来。那儿有什么东西在发着亮呢?有一个金蛋。她把它放在怀里,它还是很温暖的;无疑, 蛋里面还有生命。是的,蛋壳里发出一个敲击的声音来;她听到了,而且以为这是她自己的心跳。
“在她家里简陋的房间里,她把金蛋取出来。‘嗒!嗒!’它说,好像它是一个很有价值的金表似的,但是它是一个有生命的蛋。这个蛋裂开了,一只小天鹅把它的头伸出来,它的羽毛黄得像真金子。它的颈上有四个环子。因为这个可怜的女人有四个孩子——三个留在家里, 第四个她抱着一起到孤寂的森林里去——她马上就懂得了,她的每个孩子将有一个环子。当她一懂得这件事的时候,这只小小的金鸟就飞走了。
“天鹅带了一块琥珀给他;琥珀有吸引力, 把心都吸到家里去了。琥珀是最可爱的香料。
这篇作品最初发表在1869年5月出版的《青少年河边杂志》第3卷,随后于1869年11月又发表在丹麦的《北国诗人选集》里。这是一首诗,它以这样一段话作为点题:“天鹅带了一块琥珀给他(一个最穷的渔人),琥 珀有吸引力,把心都吸引到家里去了。……他们感到真正的家庭幸福,满足于他们的简朴生活,因此他们的生活成了一个真正的阳光的故事。”